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ChemBiozidDV - Notification system online.

Existing notifications of biocidal products in Germany can now be updated online. As of January 1, 2022, a new notification procedure applies to biocides, which is regulated in the Biocide Law Implementation Ordinance.


Furthermore, biocidal products containing existing active substances that can take advantage of the transitional arrangements can still be marketed without authorization. However, for this transitional period, among other things, a notification of the biocidal product to the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) is required in accordance with the ChemBiozidDV. Just as with the authorized biocidal products, the notification of biocidal products made available on the market must also be made in the future for biocidal products with existing active substances. March 31 is the deadline by which notifications must be submitted.

Further information can be found directly at BAuA.

If you need help with the new notification system, contact CSB now.
Our experts will be happy to advise you!

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