UK REACH Regulation, revised deadlines now enacted
The draft Statutory Instrument (SI) SI 2023 No. 722, introduced in April 2023 has now come into force.
The UK REACH Regulation has been updated by the release of "The REACH (Amendment) Regulations 2023" (SI 2023 No. 722). Enacted on 28th June and taking effect from the 19th July 2023 the amendment extends the original transitional deadlines for dossier submission as outlined in Article 127P of UK REACH. The revised deadlines are now 27 October 2026, 2028, and 2030 rather than 2023, 2025, and 2027 respectively.
In addition, the amendment updates Article 41 with regards to the deadlines imposed on the Agency for performing compliance checks of such dossiers to take into consideration the new deadlines.
We have linked the "REACH (Amendment) Regulations 2023" in this post.
To find out how to prepare for UK REACH contact our team in the UK now