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Services in Chemical Compliance

Registration of Substances

Companies are obliged to identify the risks of the substances they produce, import and market in the EU and to assess the risk potential for humans and the environment.

The registration of (almost) all substances that are imported into or manufactured within the EU in a quantity of more than one ton per year is one of the main obligations that REACH places on companies. Depending on the type of substance and in which quantity a substance is imported, there are different requirements for a registration. The registration itself is in most cases complex, time consuming and associated with high costs.

Supporting our customers throughout the whole registration process has been our focus since the beginning of REACH. We support our customers, individually according to their wishes, in all tasks, among others:

  • Analysis of the product portfolio to identify all necessary measures
  • Development of the optimal registration strategy
  • Organization and implementation of the registration process
  • Effective cost consulting
Supporting global regulatory chemical control by providing ✅ registration, ✅ notification and authorization for EU-REACH, BPR (biocides)

We see ourselves as an integrated service provider who knows the interrelationships and details of a registration and can use this knowledge to provide an effective and efficient  overall process - also beyond the registration.

Due to our experienced team we can tailor all aspects of registration specifically to the situation of the customer.  A large part of our REACH team is trained in either human or ecotoxicology and has extensive experience in toxicological risk assessment. In addition, we also have commercial staff and can therefore support you in all commercial and scientific issues. This also enables us to handle almost all necessary tasks "in-house".

In the following you will find a small selection of our registration services:

Supporting global regulatory chemical control by providing ✅ registration, ✅ notification and authorization for EU-REACH, BPR (biocides)

Our Services at a Glance

  • Literature search and Data-Gap-Analysis
  • Monitoring and evaluation of (eco-)toxicological studies
  • Evaluation of the toxicokinetic behaviors of chemicals
  • Evaluation of CMR, PBT-/vPvB and endocrine-disrupting properties
  • Creation of the complete IUCLID 6 dossier incl. the Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) and Chemical Safety Report (CSR)
  • Compilation and preparation of exposure scenarios
  • Ongoing management of the registration dossier

Through our partner network we are also able to offer all necessary tests and support in legal matters.

Contact us today to find out more about our
Registration of Substances services.

We manage your
regulatory challenges.

Contact us with specific questions, a defined project or as a full-service partner for your regulatory needs.

We manage your
regulatory challenges.

Contact us with specific questions, a defined project or as a full-service partner for your regulatory needs.

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