Evaluation of Chemicals
REACH is a continuous process that does not end with the registration of a substance. On the contrary, for many substances the registration only marks the first step in a complex process to phase out or regulate hazardous chemicals.
There are two significant post-registration tools available for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and member state authorities to evaluate the underlying data and the hazard potential of a substance.
Evaluation of Dossiers
The ECHA is responsible for evaluation of dossiers. ECHA is mandated and entitled to check each registration dossier - even without prior notice - for completeness and quality of data, among other things, if this is deemed necessary.
The procedure enables ECHA to check whether the submitted data is conclusive and sufficient to make an appropriate statement about the hazard potential of the substance. ECHA will often requests additional data, which can lead to considerable additional costs (both for the determination of better data and for the resulting workload) and further information on substances. This may negatively impact the classification of substances.
Evaluation of Substances
In contrast to dossier evaluation, substance evaluation aims to find out whether the use of a substance poses a particular risk to humans or the environment. At present, this instrument is mainly used for substances that have or are suspected to have a very high-risk potential for humans and the environment. These include above all substances with CMR, PBT/vPvB or endocrine disruptive (ED) properties. At the end of the process a substance is often identified as SVHC ("substance of very high concern") and thus at some point included in Annex XIV (Authorization) or XVII (Restriction) of REACH.
Especially in a substance evaluation process a foresighted and intensive strategic planning is of utmost importance to defend the substance before the authorities and to potentially identify alternatives early on in order to minimize the possible negative impact on the business.
Contact us and we will support you on a scientific and strategic level.
Our Services at a Glance
- Maintanance of the complete IUCLID 6 dossier incl. the Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) and Chemical Safety Report (CSR)
- We review the situation and work with you to develop the optimal strategy for the respective process
- We identify key players and organize the process
- We make sure that the work is done in time
- We support you in handling authorities and can lead the discussion
- We use our partners to support you in all aspects
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