SCIP Database
SCIP is the database for information on Substances of Very High Concern in articles established under the European Waste Framework Directive (WFD).
Anyone has the right to know if the products one buys contain chemicals above a certain limit that could be harmful to one’s health or the environment. These so-called substances of very high concern (SVHCs) are included in the EU-REACH Candidate List. Suppliers are by law already required to share information on SVHCs in their products.
SCIP goes one step further, companies supplying articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1% weight by weight (w/w) on the EU market have to submit information on these articles to ECHA, as from 5 January 2021.
The SCIP database ensures that the information on articles containing Candidate List substances is available throughout the whole life cycle of products and materials, including at the waste stage. The information in the database is then made available to waste operators, recyclers and consumers.
Our Services at a Glance
- Help you identify SVHCs in your articles and products
- Determine, whether these articles or products need to be listed in the SCIP database
- Preparation of the SCIP notification in IUCLID 6
- Notification to ECHA
Are You Affected by BREXIT?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have
any questions regarding our SCIP Database services.
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regulatory challenges.
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